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Insurance Solutions

The SkyForest Risk Platform simplifies the complex task of wildfire risk assessments. Protect against loss, build mitigation plans and underwrite insurance policies with confidence.




Precision risk assessment.

Transforming Risk Management in the Insurance Industry

Our cloud platform provides insurance and risk management customers with the ability to instantly quantify exposure risk on one or thousands of assets.

We do the math: Each 10 meter pixel calculates exposure risk within a 2KM radius.

Access the ONLY 10 meter contiguous dataset across Canada – no requirement to stitch together multiple datasets.

Our cloud platform delivers end-to-end workflow management, data analytics sharing and project management.

Our proprietary data calculates exposure risk from several data layers and is built on 12 years of R&D.

Key Features


Cross-Canada data normalized for consistent data analysis


Exposure risk data is pre-calculated using proprietary risk algorithms


One-click wildfire exposure assessment done in seconds

Custom Thresholds

Configure exposure assessment criteria to meet different risk profiles


Import (buildings, hydro lines, utilities, etc.) using .KML files


Assets can be saved in project folders and shared with users


Projects are stored for future reference or to re-run analytics at a later date


Export reports or share on cloud platform

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